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Is this behavior no...

Is this behavior normal or does my cat need to see a Vet? My kitty has been's my female cat has not been feeling very well she doesn't jump up on counters are trees or couches she barely eats barely drinks and isn't using the litter box as much al...

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Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1
13/09/2021 4:08 am
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My female cat has not been feeling very well she doesn't jump up on counters, trees or couches she barely eats barely drinks and isn't using the litter box as much. She stays in one spot unless I move her around also there's a new dog in the house so I don't know if it's due to stress or if she's just sick. Her bones seem fragile and sometimes when I try to pick her up she makes growling noises and she's never had this behavior before. It's been one full day since this started but it happened a week ago for full day as well, what is your opinion? Also if you're reading this I hope you and your cat are having a beautiful day<3