Search Results for: Flatulence

Cooked chicken and rice cat food

9 Best Cat Foods for Smelly Poop

Tired of litter box odor? You’ll be glad to know you can change the smell of your cat’s litter box by changing what you put in his bowl. After hours of studying the relationship between...

small mallory photo
Mallory Crusta
Image featuring a Siberian cat, known for being hypoallergenic and suitable for individuals with cat allergies.

The 9 Best Cat Foods for Gassy Cats

Occasional gas in your cat usually isn’t a problem. But if your cat has become increasingly gassy and that gas is accompanied by other digestive symptoms like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or vomiting, you’ll want to...

small mallory photo
Mallory Crusta
Image depicting a selection of the best cat food options for managing diarrhea in cats.

The 11 Best Cat Foods for Diarrhea

The best cat food for diarrhea gives your cat’s GI tract a break, relieves inflammation, and allows the body to heal. If your cat is experiencing acute diarrhea, that might mean a few days on...

small mallory photo
Mallory Crusta
Image featuring a Siberian cat, known for being hypoallergenic and suitable for individuals with cat allergies.

The 9 Best Cat Foods for Sensitive Stomachs

The best cat food for sensitive stomachs is easy to digest, rich in anti-inflammatory ingredients, and free from additives and artificial ingredients that could irritate your cat’s intestinal tract or immune system. With its highly-digestible...

small mallory photo
Mallory Crusta